I've been busy, so I haven't even given Jerry Falwell a second thought. But my sister gathered together his "greatest hits". She doesn't like him. And why not? Falwell blamed her for the fall of the World Trade Center.
Well, he blamed me too, because I'm an Atheist. But she's a gay Atheist, so she got twice as much blame!
don't forget us feminists, we're in the mix too. I'm betting she got triple whammied, huh??
yea, Falwell wasn't a shining example.
I find it interesting that he lied about the anti-gay statements that he had made, and was forced, in court, to own up to that lie. You can't get a better documented lie that that. So much for the 10 commandments. The case was Sloan vs Falwell. Here's a writeup about it.
yea. years and years later, I still remember my mom ranting over Thanksgiving dinner about how the "moral majority was neither."
Very few people made her as crazy mad as this guy did... well, maybe Reagan
Considering that I'm a trained escort for Planned Parenthood (which makes me an abortionist) a femenist, lesbian, secularist, a donor to the ACLU, a supporter of the separation of church and state, and I've written many a letter to the Kansas State Board of Education...
...I think I may actually be the specific person that Falwell was blaming for 9/11.
My only saving grace is that it happened around 9am East Coast time, and that's 6am Left Coast time, and I just don't get up that early.
hey, you know, except for that whole lesbian thing - and maybe the letters to Kansas, I think she tends to keep her letters "to the editor" - you could BE my mom :)
philosophical soul sisters, anyway...
she doesn't get up that early either
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