“On a Clear Day” is a painting by the living master Duffy Sheridan. Mr. Sheridan attributes his primary artistic influence to his Baha’i Faith. Baha’i are dismissed by Christians and persecuted by Muslims, which is ironic since one of the three central Baha’i tenets is that we are all equal, and that persecution, prejudice, racism, nationalism, caste and social class should all be abolished in favor of human equality.
Sheridan’s art reflects Baha’i teachings, which include balance or harmony. Sheridan concentrates on the human figure because he finds the subtle attraction in simple human gestures and expressions fascinating. I feel much the same way – I would much rather gaze at a portrait than a landscape. If I were given the choice I would rather see a landscape that shows the touch of people than a wild landscape. I believe that we can connect more meaning to a painting when we understand, a little, the subject portrayed in that painting.
From Mr. Sheridan’s site:
Although I have always been drawn toward the human figure as an object of my art, and not withstanding the fact that I have been practicing all my life to be able to paint everything, I have discovered that my artistic heart is truly stirred by the subtleness of human expression.There are a lot more paintings in the gallery on Duffy Sheridan’s web site. Go explore!
It is not my goal or my aim to make great philosophical statements with my paintings, but instead to explore, and allow my audience to explore, those simple elements of human expression that reveal tokens of the Divine.
I wish your wife a speedy recovery. Surely I stumbled onto your blog because of a religious or political article you wrote and continue to lurk because your writing style is intelligent and articulate. But I now look forward to Friday. The sum total of my knowledge about art is that I either like it or I don't. And so I thank you for finding and posting incredible works of art that I do enjoy very much and would never find on my own.
Thanks Trailrider, for the kind words. I get so few of them.
I have just become aware of your blogspot and want to thank you for your kind words about my work. It is an honor to be included among the great masters that you have reviewed in your Friday in the Atelier.
Warm regards,
Duffy Sheridan
Oh my no, the honor is mine Mr. Sheridan. Thank you for stopping by and making my whole month!
And most of all, thank you for the beauty that you create.
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