About me

Cropped from "The Discourse" by Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema
Hi.  I'm Mark Boyd.

That handsome guy to the left is my online icon, who is a character from Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema's Romantic Realism painting, "The Discourse".

When I first became active online I did so under the "Trusted Pseudonym" of Calladus.  I still use that as a pseudonym, but if you search for that name online you will most likely end up here at my blog.

There's a story behind my pseudonym.  It isn't spectacular.  But I am the original Calladus online.  Any other Calladus is just a game.

I used a pseudonym because my late wife, (a Christian) feared that I would be attacked by radical Christians for talking online about atheism and skepticism.  I was well aware of the irony of the fear of Christians by a Christian.  But I decided to keep my identity quiet just in case.

I outed myself in 2007 / 2008 in order to co-found the atheist / skeptic group, CVAAS.  And since then I've been in the local news on several occasions.  In response to my activism I've been called a lot of stuff in print and in audio, but no one has done more than threaten via keyboard.  Only one Christian has bothered to call me on my published phone number.  We talk from time to time.  I send her Christmas cards.

My wife died in Jan. 2010, my partner of 25 years, but I found love again and married Wendy on April 12 2012.  If you want to know more about my late wife, Won Chong Boyd, then I have a link for you.

I use my blog to comment on topics relevant to atheists and skeptics.

Atheistic topics include rights and freedoms, Secular ethics, apologetics, and the religious impact on the military, sciences, and education. Topics on skepticism and rational thinking include those on the application of the Scientific Method, and the exposure of pseudoscience.

You can learn what I believe in here.

I still try to separate my online persona from the person I am in real life.  Just to try to keep a little privacy.  If you look for me I'm sure you could find me in a few minutes of Google-Fu.  But why bother?  If you want to contact me, the best way is probably a phone call or SMS at (559) 892-0102.  Don't be unpleasant.

If you don't leave a message, you won't get a call back.  If I don't recognize your number, I probably won't answer.

For email I am calladus at gmail dot com.  You can send me a chat request or Google plus message through that address too.

And if snail mail is your thing, you can send me a letter at Mark Boyd, 438 E. Shaw Ave #221, Fresno, CA 93710-7602


Chrystine said...

I was unable to find a way to contact or email you on your blog, I hope you don't mind me using the comments to reach you.

Would you consider sharing my secular kickstarter with your community of free-thinkers?

Inform your children about Christianity before someone else does: "Christian Mythology for Kids" is a kickstarter to raise money to illustrate and publish a secular kids book (ages 4-12). The book is a paraphrase of the bible and other christian myths from an unbiased secular viewpoint. It is meant to be a tool for families to learn about christianity without the dogma, before they hear those stories accompanied by fear, threats or empty promises from friends or relatives.


I need lots of support from the secular community for this project to be a success.

In gratitude,

Calladus said...


The project looks good. If I have time to write this up over the weekend, I'll do so in my blog. I'll also bring it up to our atheist group.

I am surprised that you didn't use any of the methods on this page to contact me directly.