My! Impressive huh?
He just wasn't that interesting or important for me to spend any time on.
Anyway, he's on Usenet / Google Groups now, and for some reason he's boasting about besting me on the Internets. In the third person.
I've been reading about
Rex has been banned from Wikipedia, laughed at by the Tampa Tribune, writes in the third person, and is a founding member of the Republican Liberty Caucus, an interesting group who (among other things) wants to do away with the Department of Education and close public schools in favor of private schools.
Wait, he attended Hillsborough Community College and the University of South Florida, got his
Anyway, as the old joke goes, just because someone is crazy doesn't mean that they are wrong. So he's finally got my interest, and I think I'll take some time to read how he supposedly exposed the terrible socialist conspiracy that is demonstrated by our quasi-Nazi salute of the flag. I actually kind of dread this because his website looks like it was designed by the Time Cube guy. But who knows? Maybe he'll convince me.
By the way,
I've been finding this very amusing. I thought you'd be amused too.
Update 7 Oct 09
heh. I got a whole page dedicated to me on Mr. Curry's website!
Dude, don't you proofread your own material? Don't you edit? Pick up a copy of, "The Elements of Style" and use it! You're a teacher, act like one!
BTW, saying that you've "written volumes on the topic" is meaningless if what you've written is merely a cut and paste of yourself, scattered over the Internet like the droppings of an incontinent pigeon. You want to be taken seriously? Publish.
Update 19 Jan 2011
Wow, it is so hard to hide crazy, isn't it? Rexwood has been making so many crazy noises that Tom Cruse is asking him to "cool it"!
It turns out that Ellis has been feudin' with his neighbor. Apparently Mr. Curry hates dogs that bark. So what did he do about it? Most people would just call the police and let them handle it. But not Rexie! No way! Instead he investigated his neighbor's past, and used his position as a lawyer to get the neighbor canned, and attacked by the Florida Bar!
And if THAT wasn't crazy enough, Mr. Curry took it upon himself to post the findings of his investigation on large posters in his yard, and combined that with obnoxious noises in retaliation for the barking dog - noises like leaving the leafblower running for hours at a time!
But that STILL doesn't touch the top of Rexwood's craziness. No - he then shot the neighbor's dog!
Wow. I would have to say I'm surprised. I didn't think he could get any kookier than talking about himself in the third person all over the Internet, implying that he holds a doctorate in history, and blaming the Pledge of Allegiance for socialism in America.
But he outdid himself here.
Update 14 February 2011
I'm just taking a moment here to recommend the book, "To the Flag: The Unlikely History of the Pledge of Allegiance" written by Richard J. Ellis.
On the website "Pledge of Allegiance Secrets" by Ellis Rexwood Curry IV, Curry says that
The USA's Pledge of Allegiance (& the military salute) was the origin of Adolf Hitler's "Nazi" salute under the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis).This turns out to be incorrect. The original pledge salute started with the speakers hand at his side, and during the pledge, when the speaker says "my flag", the hand is extended PALM UP toward the flag.
This wasn't done for some sort of Socialist ulterior motive. This was done as a form of theater, a grand gesture to highlight the flag in question. The problem is that the practice was new, and some people screwed it up. Children often got it wrong too.
And the whole thing became moot when Hitler came into power and we changed the flag salute to holding our hand over our hearts.
All of Curry's "Frightening Photographs" on his page show the various ways that different groups screwed up the original pledge. It wasn't as if they had a website to check, and it wasn't as if they actually agreed with each other on how to hold their right hand during the pledge. Some people even held their hands palm down, across their chest.
Rex never explains why this leads us into Socialism or a Police State.
Here is the takeaway. Symbols are what WE make of them when WE use them, right now. The Swastika has been in use by Asia and by American Indians long before the Nazis arrived on the scene. I've seen the Nazi swastika engraved in the butt of a Winchester rifle used by Comanche Native Americans in the 1800s. Yes, Nazi-style, NOT reversed. Maybe this particular Comanche got it wrong? Just like a kid who gave a Hitler salute instead of a Bellamy Flag Salute. Who knows?
Mr. Curry has it wrong. The pledge is not leading us into Socialism. It's merely a symbol. A symbol that has God in it, but a symbol nonetheless.
And Mr. Curry, I'm waiting for you to apologize for your libel about me.
More posts about the Pledge and Ellis Rexwood Curry IV.
The more Mr. Curry J.D. (lets be honest here a J.D. is not a PhD) attacks, the more he destroys his own position, if the discussion you linked to is any indication.
I like his reasoning that leaving God out of the pledge was an "over sight" because the original author was so devout.
Yeah, that makes sense. The most devout among us often forget to put God into their proclamations.
But, hey he is right, because he is adjunct staff at a community college, and you are not. The more he repeats this irrelevancy, the stronger his argument. (He seems undeterred by the fact you have not actually disagreed with him on matters of any substance at this point).
People who argue with themselves, and then declare a winner always fascinate me.
You're right. He's a J.D. I don't mind calling him "Doctor", but I'll correct the PhD reference.
Heinlein lamented about the profusion of people who received degrees that allowed them to be called "Doctor". He said it cheapened the designation.
I'm a J.D. and, like all of the other lawyers I know, I would never expect or request the title of "Doctor." It confuses people.
Really? I didn't know you were a J.D.
Okay, I won't call him "Doctor".
It seems I'm running out of Titles - he doesn't qualify to be called "Professor", and now "Doctor" is on shaky ground.
Still, he deserves respect. I'll call him "Mister Curry".
Wow. Can any atheist get a god-nut to stalk them? I want one.
That's just it, he's not religious. Just crazy.
And yea, any atheist can get a religious stalker, but you have to fill out the proper paperwork in triplicate. Most don't think it's worth the bother.
Seriously... this guy isn't even worth a mention. He's just another type of hater that doesn't have enough of a life to move out of his mother's attic.
I had one for a while that was a total homophobe. One time I was published in a Valley news paper in North San Diego County. I wrote about the high vulnerabilities and lack of facilitation toward the gay community. Some guy didn't like what I had to say and called me a "DESPICABLE TRUTH-TWISTER!!!!"
I wondered for a little bit on how he picked out that particular description for me... Guess he didn't like the studies that I quoted. I'm also guessing he's related to Daffy Duck. Okay, so what I said was still true... but I was obviously twisting the truth to say something horrible, like... I dunno... like we all deserve equal protection under the law or something just as horrifying. The rest of his website whines about how he wants his country back.
Call a flippin waaaaamulance.
It's not worth the effort. It's the internet. Who cares about every nutty & catty thing that is said by every prom queen or drag queen. Some people yell to the world by making a website that looks like electronic insanity. Others drink on the corner and yell at the light post. It's really not very different. It's just what they have to do to feel like they matter for a moment.
I like how people on USENET have called out Mr. Curry on his failure to hyperlink to those people he is critical of.
He does hyperlink to himself though, multiple times! In every article!
Everywhere he drops his rantings he hyperlinks back to himself... and he drops these like a goose on Exlax! I've seen SpamBots that weren't as prolific!
The problem is, he may have a point about the Socialist roots of the Pledge, but he uses weak logic to apply that point to modern usage, and he weakens his case further by being a raving kooky evangelist who is screaming down the streets that the "Socialists are coming!"
It's worse when you realize that Mr. Curry believes that anything less than completely unfettered Capitalism is the same as Socialism. I guess history wasn't a requirement for his J.D.
Check out what your stalker, Mr. Curry has been up to.
Scary, creepy, miserable man.
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