Oy! My blog is Monitized!

I've received emails from two very kind readers who have asked about donating to help me set up a better website. Let me reassure everyone that my current lack of blog posting has very little to do with money, and I can afford a modest website. What I need is a site designer. Still, the idea of offsetting my addictions hobbies even by a couple of bucks a year is attractive.

So here's the deal, I've added buttons to the side of my blog. One will take you to a Paypal safe donation site. You can choose how much you want to send my way. There's no minimum amount required – give what you want. Or, if you're really feeling generous you could click on the second button and send me a book from my Amazon wish list. Again, I'm not choosy – save a few bucks and send me a used book.

So if I've amused you, or informed you, or explained something in a way that aids your understanding, you can express your appreciation by the click of a button.

And if you don't feel like giving, then that's okay too. It won't change how I blog.

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