If you're coming here to see what tattoos Kafirgirl is talking about... I don't have any photos!
And although Kafirgirl promised ME a photo, I won't promise that YOU, my readers, will get to see. I won't post her photo online unless I'm given a very clear instruction to do so. If you want a photo of her tattoos, it is up to you to go to her blog and beg her nicely. She may or may not show you, at her whim. No promises.
However, I can show you the images that she is talking about. Here it is, based upon my "fleur de pensée", or "flower of thought" symbol. The flower of thought, or Pansy, has been a symbol of Freethought since 1885, and is arguably the oldest secular symbol in America. It's still used by the Freedom from Religion Foundation even now.
I turned the symbol into an icon, inspired by the "fleur de lis" of my boyscout days. Kafirgirl has taken the symbol and turned it into a monshō, or Japanese crest.
Like any atheist or secular symbol, some will hate it, and some will love it. If you like it, say so! And if you don't - well, I guess I have to live with that.
Update 27 Sept 08
KG sent me a pic of the tattoo. It looks great, and I must say I'm humbled by the compliment that Kafirgirl has paid me by liking this symbol enough to commit it to her skin.
And although Kafirgirl promised ME a photo, I won't promise that YOU, my readers, will get to see. I won't post her photo online unless I'm given a very clear instruction to do so. If you want a photo of her tattoos, it is up to you to go to her blog and beg her nicely. She may or may not show you, at her whim. No promises.

I turned the symbol into an icon, inspired by the "fleur de lis" of my boyscout days. Kafirgirl has taken the symbol and turned it into a monshō, or Japanese crest.
Like any atheist or secular symbol, some will hate it, and some will love it. If you like it, say so! And if you don't - well, I guess I have to live with that.
Update 27 Sept 08
KG sent me a pic of the tattoo. It looks great, and I must say I'm humbled by the compliment that Kafirgirl has paid me by liking this symbol enough to commit it to her skin.
Those are great. Can I use them for stuff? I might one day paint a miniature army for Warhammer Fantasy that uses them in their standards... hmmm. I guess I just revealed myself as a boardgame geek.
You're welcome to use them as you see fit. I've released them to the public domain.
Just remember, I designed it as a symbol of freethought, of secular / rational thought. You could use it in any way you want, and even call it a religious symbol if you like, but the Internets will know the Truth!
Yep, I know, and I'll display it proudly. Many thanks!
Almost healed. The scabs are pretty much gone. I'll get my old man to take a picture tomorrow =)
Rosie, I didn't let your comment go through because it is so far off topic, and better discussed via email. Send me an email instead.
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