I found the prank to be not only in poor taste, but to be something truly evil. And it resonated with a Christian “prank” that I was part of long ago, when I was Christian.
During my first year of Christian Church summer camp, during a camp meeting one of the instructors stood up and told us that he wanted our help with some sort of experiment in psychology. I forget the instructor's name, so I'll call him “Ted”.
Ted wanted to test a subject's reaction to praise, indifference and dismissal. Why? I dunno. I don't recall if he were a psychology major, or just someone who enjoyed practical jokes. Anyway, he got all of us happy campers to buy into pranking 3 different women.
These women were all supposed to give a 3 minute impromptu speech in front of all of us campers about different subjects. Again, it was a long time ago, and I forget the subjects and the names of the women. But I'll never forget the 'experiment' and results.
Ted carefully instructed us to pay close attention to the first speaker, nodding in agreement, clapping at good statements, and applause at the end. We played it up really well, and by the time the first women finished speaking she was beaming in delight, and was sure that she was not only a great speaker with a good subject, but an all around great person too!
The second speaker was a sort of “control”, we were to act normal when she spoke. (Although I question how “normal” anyone will act when instructed to “act normal”.) She didn't get any applause, but felt she'd got her points across to us.
For the last speaker, we were supposed to “dismiss” her. Some of us were supposed to ignore her and talk to our neighbors, others were supposed to listen, frown, and shake our heads in disagreement. A couple of people were supposed to heckle her.
Since I don't recall her name I'll call the third woman Janet (I could look up the names in my old Camp photo album, but I don't have it handy – which is probably for the best.)
Janet tried, she really did. But before she reached the end of her speech it was just too much for her and she fled from the room. She was an up and coming minister with a strong background as a youth leader and I remember her talking about her training, and about the difficulties a woman has finding a church that allows women's ministry. And now, a hundred or so happy campers were crushing her dreams.
Ted and a few other counselors ran outside to comfort Janet, and talk to her while another counselor led us in group singing. It was almost 30 minutes later when Janet, with puffy eyes, was brought back in front of us, and we all reassured her that we were merely acting. We “love bombed” her until she was giddy. And we all felt great about it.
I didn't know enough to feel ashamed of being a part of this prank until after I de-converted from Christianity, years later. If there is a such thing as souls, then I'd consider this to be a “black mark” on mine.
Perhaps part of that shame is why I react so badly to this video, embedded below. The woman pranked is going through real psychological trauma that could very well warp her personality for years to come. This isn't a “ha ha” prank done in fun, and it certainly isn't done out of Christian Love for the woman concerned.
No, this prank is using the victim as a “means”. They used her to create their video, and have attempted to demonstrate how cool they are by broadcasting it to the world. Worse, their religion helps to blind them to how shameful this act was. And psychologically, it is a cultish tactic, complete with emotional control and manipulative “love bombing” at the end.
Update 17 Aug 07
There is a question as to whether or not this video is staged. You gotta admit, the set itself seems a bit implausible - it doesn't look much like a coffee shop, more like a converted room on a college campus.
But the video is created by Richard Praytor, a Christian comedian who has his own web site, where he sells a show that he calls, "Prank 3:16". (Neat take on a Bible reference huh?)
Praytor's purpose, according to his website, is to
Prank 3:16 was created to provide wholesome programming while teaching Christian principles.I have no idea if Praytor has included a disclaimer on this piece. I don't know if there is anything that says, "It's not real folks, it's just entertainment!" Frankly, even if there is a disclaimer I wouldn't be impressed because it holds up cruel and manipulative behavior as good "Christian" fun.
A year in the making, the crew of Prank 3:16 traveled across the U.S. playing pranks on unsuspecting people and even getting a prank played on them by Ryan Dobson.
And if it is real, if this video happened as we see it and the victim really didn't know, well then my original words still stand.
Hi Alvin!
First, thanks. Most crazy people who have created long, complicated texts usually just paste them directly into my blog comments - which I delete of course. At least you seem to have taken my Moderation Policy into consideration! Again, thanks.
Unfortunately, good behavior in my blog doesn't mean that you're not a kook.
I mean, what is the point of your 27 page long story? Yes, I counted - almost 21 thousand words! No synopsis, no apparent thesis - no purpose that I can see. It's like a poor version of written Outsider Art!
Seriously, I think that of anyone on this planet, you rank right up in the top half percent of those who can read and actually understand Gene Ray, the Time Cube guy. Please note that I don't mean this as a positive accomplishment.
Worst of all, you seem to be one of the less interesting of the kooky people. Without a synopsis, or thesis, or apparent purpose to your text it is impossible for me to figure out why you even bothered to write it. It really reduces any interest I'd have in actually wading through it all.
Anyway Alvin, thanks for stopping by. I assume this is merely a "drive by" posting, right? You just Googled the word "rapture" and dropped a link - Somehow you don't seem like a guy who would stop by and read my blog because you're interested in "rational thought".
I saw that "prank"... um... where did I see it... Pharyngula, maybe? Atheist Experience? a few weeks ago. And even though my computer here at work has no sound (and my one at home is way too slow to watch most vids), I couldn't even watch it all the way through. You summed up my feelings exactly -- this so-called prank was horrendously cruel and disgusting. If this was a true experience, and not a staged and acted pseudo-prank, that woman is truly wounded, and it's gonna take a lot for her to heal from that, if she ever does.
I have read and heard many accounts of fundie PMD (pre-millenial dispensationalist) kids who arrive home only to find the doors open and no one there, and they panic, convinced that the Rapture happened and they were "left behind." There is always some logical explanation, like the family is down the road visiting the neighbors or something, but those kids never forgot the total panic and hysteria and absolute devastation they experienced. And in the worst cases, the parents were happy about it, because they viewed it as a "Valuable Lesson" that "taught" the kid that they really do "have to be always ready" and to never "fall away from the faith" because "The Rapture Could Happen At Any Time," donchaknow.
Here's the link to the article that made the biggest impression on me about this subject. It's mainly about the abominable "Left Behind" books and the people who read them, but the author describes his own childhood experience of having thought he was "left behind."
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