Of course, the National Day of Reason is open to everyone. It doesn't matter if you're Atheist, Agnostic, Secular Humanist, Unitarian, Unicornian, or Pastafarian. Reason ceremonies will be held in the offices of public officials from Mayor all the way to President. We'll celebrate skeptical thought in city halls across the country. And you can be sure that we are all-inclusive, over all Americans.
I personally will spend a few minutes Thursday giving a pint of blood in celebration of the National Day of Reason.
As Benjamin Franklin once said, “We must all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately.”
Everyone is included – that's the American Way. Right?
From Religious Tolerance.org
The National Day of Prayer (NDP) is held on the first Thursday in May, according to Federal statute. Originally conceived as a time when Americans of all denominations and religions could gather to pray to their deity/deities, it has evolved into a mainly Evangelical Christian observance. However, there signs that may revert to a more inclusive event.
Local events mark National Day of Prayer
By Ron Orozco / The Fresno Bee
04/28/07 04:32:03
At 7 a.m, the Interfaith Alliance of Central California will present a gathering outdoors at the Fresno County Courthouse. The event will be held near the courthouse statue of three clergy members who created the Forum for Better Understanding.
Al Evans, event organizer and political science instructor at California State University, Fresno, says the event is designed so "every faith represented" will have an opportunity to pray.
Also at 7 a.m., the annual Mayor's Prayer Breakfast will be held at the Visalia Convention Center, where the New Christy Minstrels will perform as special musical guests.
At noon, music, song and prayers will highlight the "America, Unite in Prayer" event at Fresno City Hall.
Fresno pastors Carlos Raines, Jän van Oosten, Bob Willis, J.R. Coleman, Elias Loera and Jim Franklin will take turns every seven to 10 minutes offering prayers in areas such as the church, government, family, education/youth, media, and military/law enforcement/fire department.
Also at noon, a Kings County observance will be presented at Hanford Civic Auditorium, 400 N. Douty St. The event will begin with a lunch at 11:30 a.m.
National Day of Prayer, 2007
A Proclamation by the President of the United States of America
NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim May 3, 2007, as a National Day of Prayer. I ask the citizens of our Nation to give thanks, each according to his or her own faith, for the freedoms and blessings we have received and for God's continued guidance, comfort, and protection. I invite all Americans to join in observing this day with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities.
* - No, the National Day of Reason is not part of the Federal Statute, I'm using satire to make a point.
That's a great idea Cal. You give blood while the religious pray. we will see who saves a life first!
I think it was franklin who also said that beer is proof there is a God and he wants us to be happy! LOL
Dude - check out my blog
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